Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Something Meaningful

My last post was constructed around the idea of living life more meaningfully. I also wrote a post a little before that about some goals I set for myself to help me live my life more thoughtfully. 

It is never easy to make a change in life, but when you know that change will help you live a better life you have better motivation to make that change. I can say I have worked on my goals and have definitely seen a difference. However I think I can now say that I have found the most meaningful role of my life. 

I am becoming a mother! My husband and I found out we were expecting a baby on Labor Day and I was already six weeks along. We overjoyed and cannot wait to begin life with our little nugget in our arms. 

I am now 13 weeks and 5 days (my doctor adjusted the due date based on the size of the baby). I have gone through more than I ever expected within the last few weeks and more than I can write in this post. But what I've felt the most and what some might not expect, is gratitude. It is a true honor and privilege to have this blessing and miracle if I might add. To know the process of what has to happen to have a child, there are so many things that can go wrong or hinder the process. Personally my husband and I weren't using birth control for about a year and a half before we conceived. It was a hard process sometimes, but I think it was a good lesson in gratitude and respect especially for those who cannot conceive without help or who may not be able to conceive at all. 

I cannot put in to words the emotions I feel now, mainly because I go from sad, mad, crying, laughing, to hysterical in just a matter of minutes sometimes. For the most part though I am so happy to have this blessing and honored to become a mother.