Sunday, February 23, 2014

Peace, the Temple, and Spreading the Gospel

For quite some time my soul was in great tumult. I could not quiet the feelings of stress and racing thoughts of doubt and sorrow. Life is cruel at times and trials come unexpectedly. But Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and is there if we only choose to reach out to him. 

My sister in-law went to the temple on February 8th and received her endowments. Many people were there to support her including me. Before that day came, I received a special message that I would not realize was made especially for me (at least it felt that way). 

A local church leader-President Dohm-mentioned a scripture verse in his Sunday talk at church. 2 Nephi 31:20. I read this and scripture and to me it was beautiful. Then at the temple the following Saturday for my sister in-law, I felt a prompting to read the scripture verses before and after 20. 2 Nephi 31:19-21 has now become a daily challenge for me. I think about it often. After reading them at the Temple, I knew everything was going to be okay. Peace came over me that day and I felt a sense of relief. Since then I have tried my best to endure and follow the guidance of the Spirit. 

This same sweet spirit has led me to become more involved in visiting with investigators with the sister missionaries. During our lessons and sessions with investigators, I follow the promptings of the Spirit to speak up and add something when needed. It's humbling visiting with others in their home and seeing their countenances change when they feel the spirit. 

Though I do not visit teach with current members as much as I should, I am making a goal to do so. I have a testimony of this church and of the happiness of following it in my life. Like no other church, I feel peace, happiness and joy when I am participating in Sunday activities, reading my scripture, praying, and exercising my faith in the gospel. I know for a fact the gospel offers me what no material objects or other experiences can give me. This knowledge has created in me a desire to tell everyone I know about this wonderful gospel. 

My name is Brittnee. I am a wife, college graduate, travel enthusiast, and I'm a mormon.

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